Art For A Fun Run Here Towards A Healthy Heart Weekend.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Astronauts’ May Grow Own.

Astronauts travelling to mars may be more like farmers who depend on having trays of crops in small storage compartments. Supplying enough food for a full round trip to the once red earth like planet called mars, with current engine technology would take a whole earth year at minimum to complete this round trip. It would be the biggest supply challenge for modern space explorers to date. So mission planners have compiled a range of data as to how this process could begin. But confusion sets in as a review to the days of pioneer there were out posts had been adopted. This was like mini satellites hook up with travelling capsules so to supply food water so fare rs then could continue the journey. The most efficient ways have all put been repudiated as inefficient to the modern idea. So it would be down to who could build a space station to travel this distance. This process would have to be done in space like the International space station. But this feat of human ingenuity would be seen as hugely costly if done by current methods. So the answer may be in sending missile parts and stores building supplies’ with question how to get into space. This could be done from jet fighter aeroplanes putting parts beside ISS in shape of missile like parts to complete a large space .transporter this could be partly an inflatable with a radioactive shield. It would have to be equipped for every eventually including emergency escape pods. Whatever the Marian concept, story of a transporter space ship for humans will probably have to be constructed in space. A space station could stay in orbit over mars it would need to have a high technical garden to allow for oxygen waste and a gravitational field. This station needs to provide variety of tasty menus that lift spirits of first astronauts. The thing about space is the “Moon Buggy” is still fully functional ready to go even today. Only the earth climate is inductive to horrendous corrosion. Earth weather leaves almost everything into a corrosive waste like products; this is not a problem more of a challenge. As for having another Earth like planet it would have the benefit with almost zero corrosion, with only ware tare on parts this is minimal. So what can be constructed would be owned by the people or the country that constructed the station and it would be in a lasting state. These built the technology carry a beacon long after their creator. Still to have fully function technologies in space or orbit planets is a costly process. Most will be un-manned waiting for time when the argument, or for an industry is justified to put in place. But the greatest treats to human life come from an asteroid collision at near light speed with Earth. It would crack our planet like mars, so the argument to our future is look at our counterpart Mars and to this I just wouldn’t delay. NASA Astronauts’ may go to mars in 2030 that 70 years after landing on moon and the mapping of the moon are so complex almost to the inch it spectacular. Moon landings provided industries that have generated countless sums of wealth example cars. Dr Maya Cooper from NASA space Food Systems Laboratory said a five year mission to mars would require almost £,145 KG 7,000 lbs food per person. It is a clear impediment to lots of mission scenarios. This was announced annual meeting of American chemical society in Denver Colorado. At art view we would like to see a Martian base on mars looking out for brother Earth. As the Moon is nearer it more of a possibility to the occupation of the moon but it has less resources than mars. Having a function base on another planet can do a lot, both in learning how planets interact this can give Human civilisation its biggest ever achievement and how to manage resources more efficiently here on Earth. The need for new approaches to implement a bio regenerative system to growing crops in space for consumption is apparent. Bio regenerative systems evolve growing multi task plants that not only provide food but releases oxygen for astronauts’ to breathe. These plants would remove carbon dioxide they exhale and alga that can purify water. Ideally these plants would have few inedible parts. Take up little room potential space crops would include bean sprouts, oats, lettuce, onions, potatoes, herbs, cabbages, grapes algae small fish many more. It couldn’t be any easier, it might just be like putting a rocket program in place for fighter aircraft and this could put current space technologies to shame.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Plants on Mars

As part of a proposed mission that could put plants on Mars as soon as 2007, University of Florida professor Rob Ferl is bioengineering tiny mustard plants. He's not altering these plants so that they can adapt more easily to Martian conditions. Instead, he's adding reporter genes: part plant, part glowing jellyfish -- so that these diminutive explorers can send messages back to Earth about how they are faring on another planet.Right: Green-glowing Arabidopsis thaliana for a future pioneer of Mars? Rob Ferl and the University of Florida. The plants can be genetically wired to glow with a soft green aura when they encounter problems. Within a garden grouping, some plants could report (by glowing) low oxygen levels, while others might signal low water or, say, the wrong mix of nutrients in the soil. Thriving plants won't glow at all. They'll look like normal mustard. But plants struggling to survive will emit a soft green light, a signal to researchers that something is amiss. A camera onboard the lander would record the telltale glows and then relay the signal back to Earth. No humans are required on the scene -- a big advantage for such a far away experiment. The plants' designer genes consist of two parts: a sensor side to detect stress and a reporter side to trigger the glow

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Robotic Moon Town.

New exciting and to help humanity move asteroids’ out of the way self power project soon to be taken very seriously. With a straight face just that dead pan look. On May 1, 2009, during its fifth mission extension, Spirit became stuck in soft soil on Mars. After nearly nine months of attempts to get the rover back on track, including using test rovers on Earth, NASA announced on January 26, 2010 that Spirit was being retasked as a stationary science platform. This mode would enable Spirit to assist scientists in ways that a mobile platform could not, such as detecting "wobbles" in the planet's rotation that would indicate a liquid core. Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) lost contact with Spirit after last hearing from the rover on March 22, 2010 and continued attempts to regain communications until May 25, 2011 bringing the elapsed mission time to 6 years 2 months 19 days or over 25 times the original planned mission duration.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Art Maths Distance It's Simple.

The speculating within a paper published in Cornell University's online journal arXiv, that if there are stable orbits for photons, there is no reason why there could not be stable orbits for larger objects, such as planets. The problem is that these stable orbits would only exist once you have crossed the threshold of the event horizon, where time and space flow into one another.The event Horizon, at the lip of the black hole, is known as the point of no return. However speed, beyond the event horizon is another domain, known as the Cauchy horizon, where time and space return to stable states. It is inside the Cauchy horizon that life could exist, Dokuchaev argues in a paper published in Cornell University's online journal arXiv,However, the type of life that could exist in those conditions - where they would be subject to massive fluctuating tidal forces - would have evolved beyond ours. The life that could exist there would likely be a civilisation ranked as Type III on the Kardashev Scale. There are three levels to the scale with one being the lowest and three the highest. Humanity is still looking to attain Level 1 status; mastery of its own planet. 'Interiors of the super massive black holes may be inhabited by advanced civilisations... invisible from the outside,' he says. Though that is a spine-tingling thought, Dokuchaev's proposition can only ever remain theoretical. Because nothing can ever escape from a black hole due to its enormous gravitational pull, we will never know if it is true. Art club view question is did life develop and exist in subatomic particles of black hole if so they have to be fast what consists of definition of life probably to humans something that expands to develop this fit the bill perfectly as it on a paradox to what we know as matter define it bonds with out.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Eventual Inability.

That's a relief - there are many fewer 'mid-sized' Asteroids near Earth than was previously thought. There are roughly 19,500 -- not 35,000. But while the risk of impact is smaller, according to NASA, the majority of them remain to be found. Mid-sized, by the way, isn't small - it refers to asteroids in a size range between 330 and 3,300 feet wide, which could destroy a city-sized area were they to hit Earth. NASA's latest scan used the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer, or WISE and took two infrared scans of the entire celestial sky, scanning the entire sky twice in a series of infrared photos between January 2010 and February 2011. The scan aimed to find asteroids 'near Earth' - ie within 120 million miles.
NASA's scientists were cautious about the result, saying only that the risk to Earth could be 'somewhat less' now than they previously thought. Scientists also admit there could be 'up to a million' smaller asteroids that have not yet been detected - which could 'cause damage' if they hit Earth. What is definitely good news is that the likelihood of a 'planet-killer' - the mountain-sized asteroids in the 'large-sized' range, above 3,300ft - appears to have fallen more significantly. There are only 981 of these objects near Earth according to the latest estimates, and NASA has found 911 of them. The scenario, beloved of film directors, where a huge asteroid threatens all life on Earth now looks distinctly unlikely. All near-Earth asteroids that are as big as the one that wiped out the dinosaurs (around six miles across) are thought to have been found by NASA's scans, which use infrared to detect both 'light' and 'dark' asteroids. 'NEOWISE allowed us to take a look at a more representative slice of the near-Earth asteroid numbers and make better estimates about the whole population,' said Amy Mainzer, lead author of the new study, published in the Astrophysical Journal, and principal investigator for the NEOWISE project at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif. WISE captured a more accurate sample of the asteroid population than previous visible-light surveys because it is difficult for visible-light telescopes to see the dim amounts of visible-light reflected by dark asteroids. 'The risk of a really large asteroid impacting the Earth before we could find and warn of it has been substantially reduced,' said Tim Spahr, the director of the Minor Planet Center at the Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge, Mass.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Quantify Sizing.

Take a exhibit a fly for example, it runs at 1.5 mega hertz it amplitude distance verse heat It cycle of consumption of energy verses it growth cycle braking it down further it state of complexity structure here I hope to bring the fly bonds to life. True the complex nature of electron bonds this isn’t a very complex structure but it is tied into carbon pattern that controls it cycle. I hope to touch on varied topics such as complex programming inside and outside carbon cellular fabrication expansion annalist reporting in short I hope to make my own design of fly functions without cerebral cortex of eyes. All this movement is done with distance over time giving it speed analogy innate ability to “construct its carbon bonds”. In all I hope to bring a little piece of art. The maths arrangement isn’t correct but the fly constructive carbons are linked to a genetic code not underlined as this paper is extensive this is only a part post from art club view. The two equations that will feature in art view blog first is the neutron with its molecular bonding and the second is space motion continuum making it easier to wrought a trajectory path true space in reverse called a "quantify leap" true space. I also hope to bring forward the innate language concept of communication. This is done on a primal level this exists in youth. Touch on is more transgressive learning and the planets pollution, Human coexistence with pollution cell count in copulation Human ability to reside within a newer genetic code of the "Now Human".

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

New Earth Planets

European astronomers have discovered 50 new planets beyond our solar system,including 16 which are a similar size to Earth. Including "Gliese 370" is a solitary, orange, main sequence (K5 V) star located thirty-six light-years away, in the constellation Vela. This is the largest number of such planets ever announced at one time. The biggest planet of the new batch is HD 85512 b, which is 3.6 times the mass of Earth and can be found 36 light-years away in the Vela constellation.The findings suggest that more than half of the stars like our sun possess planets, and that many of those worlds are lighter than Saturn.HD 85512 b is the only one of new planets, dubbed 'super-Earths' that is located in its star system's habitable zone. That's the area around a star where scientists believe water could exist, in liquid form, making a planet potentially habitable.The new findings are being presented at a conference on Extreme Solar Systems in Wyoming, U.S., where 350 exoplanet experts are meeting.This discovery was made by The High Accuracy Radial Velocity Planet Searcher (HARPS), which is installed at the European Southern Observatory's 11.8ft La Silla Observatory in Chile.'The detection of HD 85512 b is far from the limit of HARPS, and demonstrates the possibility of discovering other super-Earths in the habitable zones around stars similar to the sun,' said University of Geneva astronomer Michel Mayor.Super-Earths, which range from Earth's mass to worlds 10 times more massive, are of particular interest to planet-hunters because it's thought that they could be even more conducive to the development of life than our own planet. One of the team members, Lisa Kaltenegger, of the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy and the Harvard Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics, said the latest round of findings marked a new age in the search for habitable planets.'We are actually entering an incredibly interesting time in our history,' she said.When the search for extrasolar planets began more than 15 years ago, the telescopes used for the task could only detect giant planets like our own solar system's Jupiter. Since then, the techniques and tools used for the search have become much more sensitive. HARPS can detect the slight gravitational wobble caused by planets as small as Earth, if they have incredibly close-in orbits. HARPS' observations of 376 sun like stars has led the team to conclude not only that more than half of such stars are surrounded by planets, but also that about 40 per cent of them have at least one planet less massive than Saturn.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Retro reflector arrays.

Here at Art View showing Retro reflector arrays were deployed on the lunar surface by the Apollo 11, 14, and 15 astronauts, and are still being used today for lunar ranging. The advantage of deploying modern retro reflectors at new lunar sites will be studied under the LSSO award. Credit: NASA Print-resolution copy The second proposal is for a Lunar X-ray Observatory (LXO), and it began with the mysterious case of the glowing comet. In 1996, a team of scientists including Goddard's Dr. Casey Lisse (now at Johns Hopkins University) and Dr. Michael Mumma observed comet Hyakutake with the ROSAT satellite. They were surprised to see it glowing in soft (low-energy) X-rays. This was unexpected because X-rays are usually given off by hot things in the universe, and comets, being a lump of ice and dust, are cold.
It was actually the breath of the sun causing the glow, according to Dr. Thomas Cravens of the University of Kansas, Lawrence, a member of the LXO team. The sun continually blows a thin gas of electrically charged particles (plasma) into space in all directions. This is called the solar wind. Cravens knew that the solar wind contains atoms with a lot of positive electric charge (oxygen and iron ions). Since opposite electric charges attract, he reasoned that these positive solar wind ions would steal negatively charged electrons from electrically neutral atoms emitted by the comet as its surface vaporized. The ion with the stolen electron would initially be highly energetic, but as it relaxed to a less energetic state, it would get rid of the extra energy by emitting a soft X-ray. This phenomenon, dubbed Solar Wind Charge Exchange, or SWCX, was responsible for the mysterious X-ray glow around the comet. also used to soil sample

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Inevitable Art.

Developing techniques so human can effectively carry out large transportation of mammals over large distances true space to inhabit and monitor other environments at near the speed of light. Then developing techniques to identify when pregnant mammals might miscarry during a robotic pregnancy is not a straight forward scientific procedure. But I hope to explain the complexities in simple straight forward fashion showing diagrams of the diatomic process that could allow mammals to survive in extracellular environments’ generating life. First art club has to start with singular cell micro organisms like life building blocks it would involve a complex chain of micro manipulation upon location to occur in the hemisphere of another planet now we know such planets exist, like our earth. Baring in mind other stars our sun is an orange star calculations have to be time by light speed, which is in the millions of years small probes and robot with powerful radios Art club chose likens and other single cells organism contemplating small mammals put in a powerful beckon only for space probe location for its purpose flying true the cosmetic belts should be transmitted only every decade as the power has to be kept to minimal to conserve energy. As Earth death might be enviable but inevitable gulp, it is time to plan for a rejuvenation. But thinking of total extinction is an artistic fact as sharing out the planet becomes an ever more daunting task it leads to very interesting art forms indeed bringing humanity back to development of the tin can space race. As eugenics gains more credibility still cellular swelling can become a concern in cryo thawing process of a frozen abdomen of a female part due to head injury abdominal section to be prepared for space transportation with dissection for pregnancies and transport to the nearest planet that is found is light years away no test has been done on any clinically death giving life to a new fetus in art view its view artistic facts could allow for new technologies to exist. It would take at least four Millennium's to reach such worlds and unknown environments to be encountered could this ever be promoted well different technologies are coming on stream due to research in to birth in space. But no planet would hold host to such a species as human life with its trust for oxygen and even the most trustee mammal would waste so much in resources. As an art project it makes for some spatula science fiction – realities basic cellular orgasm like tube worms would be a better option but cauterization could take place in stages on new planet. Here on art view Dr Kaltuam Adam from the University of Manchester said there seem to be no way to determine miscarriages that would lead to an end to any pregnancy. But new research has revealed that by looking at the amount of bleeding and by looking at the level of “Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin Hormone Levels HCG” Doctors could accurately pre detect the outcome of pregnancy. Give the admen would be attached to a dialyses built unit it would have to encounter some form of gravitational field as it orbited the new found planet. By looking at the amounts of bleeding and the levels of hCG together researchers created a “pregnancy visibility index”. This would allow scientist to predict up to (94%) of abdomens of female during pregnancy also identified a negative outcome in 77% of woman who pregnancy would end in a miscarriage. Experts hope this kind of research will eventually enable them to design effective methods to save the lives of numerous unsuspecting newborn children. Dr Adams team could use this model to spare the vast majority of “80%” trauma and harmful interventions of unnecessary surgical intrusion.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Robot Mouse Birth ISS

New and exciting art project first step in space exploration art in a new octive.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Physics Exposé

Work with particle physicists to analyze measurements from the Large Electron Positron Collider, the predecessor of the Large Hadron Collider. an all interactive show of wizardry Only a preview of what can be universe unfolded.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Invisibility cloak.

Here at Art View the hope is to bring you the future this is to loop invisible prototype with metal rubber composite and make a kind of android two types one is made of light in 3D the other is a solid matter looping a horizon program project to allow for better taught process this uses the calculation of regulating data tracks of time. None the less these new prototype drawings are all here for you on Art View a breakthrough: This is the 'cloak', which is actually a lump of calcite crystal, can make objects like pins and paper clips disappear from sight it creator Dr Zhang said: 'This is a huge step forward as, for the first time, the cloaking area is rendered at a size that is big enough for the observer to "see" the invisible object with the naked eye. But by using natural crystals for the first time, rather than artificial meta-materials, we have been able to scale up the size of the cloak and can hide larger objects, thousands of times bigger than the wavelength of the light. 'Previous cloaks have succeeded at the micron level (much smaller than the thickness of a human hair) using a nano - or micro-fabricated artificial composite material. 'It is a very slow process to make these structures and they also restrict the size of the cloaking area. At Art View the believe that by using calcite, we can start to develop a cloak of significant size that will open avenues for future applications of cloaking devices.' The research has been published in the journal Nature Communications in a paper titled Macroscopic Invisibility Cloak of Visible Light. An invisible Chevy Chase in the 1992 film Memoirs Of An Invisible Man. Scientists have now built an 'invisibility cloak' that can hide everyday objects by splitting light Physicists from the University of Birmingham and colleagues from Imperial College, London, and Technical University of Denmark, said using the natural crystal enabled them to hide bigger objects than other researchers this can be used with an androids or E Reader. This e team, led by Dr Shuang Zhang, from the university's school of physics and astronomy, glued two triangular pieces of calcite together, placed on a mirror. The light enters the calcite and splits into two rays of different polarizations travelling at different speeds and in different directions. Although the cloak itself is visible, it hides objects placed underneath it. The researchers said the size of the cloaking area was not limited by the technology available but the size of the crystal and their experiments might pave the way to more devices which can hide much larger objects. Scientists have previously only been able to cloak microscopic objects, but a new study has taken a giant step forward by making items thousands of times bigger turn invisible. With this new calculation equal to 206 AU (T) Data 1 time that not yet perfect here is the view of an E reader its the future but here now to buy.